
[Today's thinking. 25.01.29] comment on this article inside about Korean Politic's Issue. - jake다이어리 본문


[Today's thinking. 25.01.29] comment on this article inside about Korean Politic's Issue. - jake다이어리

JAKE다이어리 2025. 1. 30. 09:33

Cheer Up Bro. MAYBE I DON'T CARE WHO WILL BE THE PRESIDENT OF SOUTH KOREA IF SOMEONE CAN MAKE KOREA BETTER PLACE TO LIVE THAN NOW IN ANY FIELD. BUT. BUT. BUT.I really want you to be the president of Korea, not only in South Korea but also North Korea IF YOU CAN MAKE KOREA THAT WAY LIKE I SAID. I wish I have a seat with you on that TV show. Actually, thesedays, all of my brain filled with Politic issues. I don't know why it happen to my brain but..... anyways, i want to join the politic field of south korea as a member of some party. thanks. FROM "JAKE".




이준석, 사실상 대선출마 선언…"세대 교체 하겠다"

[서울=뉴시스] 신항섭 최영서 기자 = 이준석 개혁신당 의원은 2일 서울 홍대거리에서 사실상 대통령 대선 출마를 선언했다. 또 단일화 하지 않고 끝까지 완주하겠다는 의사를 밝혔다.이 의원은
